Klo denger nama ini, sobat zone-klik pasti sudah gak asing lagi kan....Nah ada informasi terbaru buat Sobat zone-klik yang ingin Mendaftar menjadi Agents FBI 2013, FBI membuka Lowongan kerja baik itu Magang Atau menjadi Staff Or Agency Federal. Informasi Selengkap nya lihat di bawah ini 0R bisa kunjungi Situs Resmi nya
Becoming an FBI Special Agent is like no other career choice you have ever explored. It is challenging. It is exciting. It is rewarding. And every day you have a chance to serve your country. FBI Special Agents are responsible for conducting sensitive national security investigations and for enforcing over 300 federal statutes. As an FBI Special Agent you may work on matters including terrorism, foreign counterintelligence, cyber crime, organized crime, white-collar crime, public corruption, civil rights violations, financial crime, bribery, bank robbery, extortion, kidnapping, air piracy, interstate criminal activity, fugitive and drug-trafficking matters, and other violations of federal statutes.
All FBI Special Agents are committed to fulfilling the FBI's priorities and upholding the FBI's core values.
There is no such thing as a typical day for an FBI Special Agent. Every day is different. One day you could be testifying in federal court, the next you could be executing a search warrant and gathering evidence, the next you could be meeting with a source to gather intelligence on illegal activities, the next you could be making an arrest, and the next you could be back in the office meeting with your squad and catching up on paperwork.
Learn more about becoming an FBI Special Agent :
Qualification Requirements
Critical Skills
Physical Fitness Test Scoring Scale
Application and Hiring Process
Special Agent Career Paths
Frequently Asked Questions
Female Special Agents
Hostage Rescue Team

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The FBI maintains its own uniformed police force. As part of the Security Division, FBI Police Officers provide protective security to FBI personnel, facilities and information; and perform law enforcement duties in and around some of the FBI's most important facilities, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The primary mission of the FBI Police is to deter terrorist attacks with the visible presence of a well trained, well equipped, professional police force; and to protect the FBI from criminal acts and unauthorized access. All FBI Police Officers receive extensive training and must become proficient with a firearm. Work schedule flexibility is essential. Also, all FBI Police Officers must agree to remain in the FBI Police Officer position, at the location to which he/she is assigned, for a minimum of two years.
Qualification Requirements :
To become an FBI Police Officer, you must be a U.S. citizen, at least 21 years of age prior to your appointment, possess a valid driver's license and be able to pass the FBI Background Investigation and receive a Top Secret security clearance. Depending upon the grade level for which you are applying, there are educational and job related experience requirements that applicants must meet. FBI Police Officers with specialized work experience generally enter the FBI at the GS 6, GS 7 or GS 8 grade levels. FBI Police Officers without specialized work experience but possess a full four year course of study leading to a bachelor's degree in Police Science or a comparable degree program related to the work of the position generally enter the FBI at the GS 5 grade level. To receive additional law enforcement pay scale information visit www.opm.gov.
Application and Hiring Process :
There are two ways to apply for an FBI Police Officer position. The first is through the online application process. The FBI is not always accepting online applications for the FBI Police Officer position, so visit www.fbijobs.gov to see if there are any current openings. The second is the Direct Hire process which allows candidates to submit their resumes directly to FBI Police Recruiters.
After submitting an application either online or through the Direct Hire, the next steps for applicants involve the following:
- Written Test and Panel Interview
- Conditional Job Offer
- FBI Background Investigation
- Medical Examination
Written Test and Panel Interview
The most competitive candidates will be contacted and scheduled for one day of testing and a panel interview. Candidates will receive a detailed email regarding location, time and other pertinent information. The test takes place at an FBI facility and consists of two Phases. Phase 1 consists of a written and video portion. Phase 2 consists of a panel interview by active duty FBI Police Officers.
The most competitive candidates will be contacted and scheduled for one day of testing and a panel interview. Candidates will receive a detailed email regarding location, time and other pertinent information. The test takes place at an FBI facility and consists of two Phases. Phase 1 consists of a written and video portion. Phase 2 consists of a panel interview by active duty FBI Police Officers.
Conditional Job Offer
Based on budgetary requirements and the number of officers needed by the FBI, candidates who pass Phase 1 and Phase 2 are eligible to receive a conditional job offer for employment. The conditional job offer will include the position title, GS law enforcement pay grade and salary. Conditional job offers are contingent upon a favorable adjudication in the background process.
FBI Background Investigation
Candidates who receive a conditional job offer will be invited into the Eqip System to enter personal information and to receive a Top Secret clearance and to begin the background investigation. The background investigation includes a polygraph investigation, credit and arrest checks, interviews with associates, references, past employers and neighbors, and verification of educational achievements. The average background investigation takes approximately 120 days, but may take longer depending on where an applicant has lived, worked or traveled.
Medical Examination
Candidates must pass a thorough medical examination to determine whether any medical issue (or condition) could potentially affect the applicant's ability to perform the basic functions of the Police Officer position. This medical examination ensures that each candidate's situation is reviewed on an individual basis. If you have undergone a particular surgical procedure, this will require careful review during the medical examination process. The medical examination also ensures that applicants meet the Police Officer Vision Requirements and Hearing Requirements. Issues or conditions that surface during the medical reviews may delay an applicant's final processing for employment. Although an applicant's doctor provided information about the applicant's medical condition, it is the FBI's Chief Medical Officer who decides if the applicant is physically able to perform the job. This decision is based on the reviews of the applicant's doctor's findings and the FBI's knowledge of the requirements of the job. The FBI is committed to treating all applicants fairly and equitably in all aspects of our hiring/selection process.
Training Requirements :
Police Officer candidates who have successfully passed all phases of the application process must attend and successfully complete a twelve week comprehensive Uniformed Police Training Program (UPTP) at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia. In addition, police officers must attend and complete the FBI Police Advanced Training Program at the FBI Training Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Retention in the position is contingent upon successfully passing the entire training program.
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